If I'm not saying "dada", "gunk gunk" is. :o) It goes for everything... Mommy... doggie... drink... anything I want... :o) I make my face, and my mouth like I'm going to say "mama", but that isn't what comes out.
Oh, and today I had a blow out of champions. :o) We were out driving around looking at houses, and stopped to eat. When we were getting ready to go, Mommy picked me up to find a mess. Chunks all over the high chair... me... and now Mommy. This wonderful establishment we were at did NOT have a changing table in the bathroom, so I had to get nakked and cleaned up in the hatch of the wagon. Larlie & Amanda almost lost their lunches, it was kinda funny. :o) LOL
Then tonight we had spaghetti for supper.... I burped up a noodle... right out of my mouth. I know you probably don't believe me... Oh it's true!!! :o)