Check out my little helper Bee!! I was loading the dishwasher and he climbed on up. If you look close you can see a spoon in his little hand... he kept taking it out of the basket and trying to put it in his mouth. LOL I can't believe he climbed his little butt on up there. The first time he did this months ago the outcome wasn't good.

Tonight cooking supper I realized I didn't have everything I needed for anything I thought I wanted to cook. Anywho... we went to Red Lobster for supper. Christian hasn't been feeling well... SOOO right as the food get there I realize we need to take a trip to the changing station. Well, he had a MASSIVE blow-out. I mean up the back... all over... MASSIVE!!! I was able to undress him (wearing the overalls and green onesie in the top pic) and get him all cleaned up... but I had to throw away his green onesie... and he got poo on his socks... :( I felt so bad for him. Although he was so happy after. I no longer had an appetite. LOL
This last picture is when we got home. This is how he left the restaurant... thankfully I had a sweatshirt for him. :) He has his redneck going on! :o)
Regarding the top comment...lmao!! Wait until he's actually walking!! I really miss those days when my kids were small. They could be really hectic days at time, but they were sooo much fun!! HOWEVER, I really don't miss the massive poo poo episodes...lmao. Better you than me there...lol. Love ya!! As you can tell I love this site. I get to see what he's doing each day since I can't be there.