Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Feb 3 - Another Blow-out

I dunno what is up with these blow-outs lately.  I don't think I need to try different diapers... Only because I have a ton up in the closet.  ;)  

Off to buy more Stain Stick... :o)  LOL  


  1. OMG, I had to deal with a blow-out on a plane when my oldest Son was 3 months old. NOT FUN!

    Is Christian having a blow-out blow-out or are his BMs just coming out the sides of his diaper?

    If he's got explosive BMs, maybe there's an underlying cause...??

    Either way, I feel for ya!

  2. Well, his seem to be mostly in restaurants... Ewww.... LOL This last one was at home thankfully for this one. Mostly they come up the back. If I don't straighten the little flappy things (not sure what to call them) out by the legs it comes out there too....

    I think maybe he might be getting more teeth.

    Thanks... :o)

  3. Yikes! Good luck with that! Yeah, I remember those flappy, frilly things on the diapers and how they didn't work so well if they were tucked in. They should call them poop catchers. :D
