Thursday, April 30, 2009

Apr 30 - Look Ma NO hands.

I really like to eat... but check out how talented I am.  :o)  I can eat my breakfast with no hands.  :o)  I am awesome!  :o)

We went out today because Mommy & Daddy had a meeting.  Shhhhh, don't tell anyone... but I dirtied my diaper... and funked up the room.  Daddy was very proud of me.  :)

Also, Cousin Anthony is home from Afghanistan for a few days, and got here tonight to visit for a few days.  We are all very proud of him, and I was very excited to see him.  :o)  

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Apr 29 - Talking

I was all about talking today.  If it wasn't "hey hey hey", it was just jabber.  :)  I know Mommy needs assistance with her camera work, but I'm sure you will all "get it" just watching me.  :o)  I'm too handsome to miss.  :)  Still won't say "Mama", but I am all about "DaDa"!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Apr 28 - Lasagna

Can you tell when I had for supper tonight?  Mmmm lasagna.  :)  This was my first time eating it where it didn't come out of a jar.  I really liked it a lot.  I did feed the dogs a little bit, but not as much as I usually do.  :o)  Poncho is my buddy when it is time to eat.  Sasha is always my buddy, but she loves to lay under my highchair when it is time to eat.  :)  

Apr 27 - Big Boy Chair

I have starting to sit in my chair more these days.  There are times when I like to stand in it, and I think that it is going to hold me up when I lean back on it, and it doesn't.  I think I am starting to learn that.  I look so big sitting here like a big boy.  :)  I spent all day in my jammies... and had a great time playing with Mommy.

Today I had two milestones.  :)  First thing this morning, I blew Daddy a kiss when he was leaving for work.  :)  I also signed "more" to Mommy when I wanted more snacks.  :o)  

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Apr 26 - Soccer

This morning we went to watch Cousin Larlie play soccer.  I had a great time, and even touched the grass.  :)  Mommy was impressed they had a baby changing station in the bathroom.  :o)  We didn't stay for the whole game, because Mommy forgot my hat and sunblock.  Bad Mommy!!!

Maybe next time she will remember all the goods.  :o)

I had a MASSIVE blowout after my snack today.  Mommy picked me up and realized it when I left a deposit on her shirt.  :o)  LOL  I got a nice bubble bath to make me feel better.  I then spent the afternoon in some jammies.  :o)  WHOOT

Apr 25 - Cozy Coupe

Mommy has been wanting to get me a Cozy Coupe for a while now, but hasn't wanted to spend $60 bucks.  She found one on craigslist, but the lady never replied back as to where to pick it up.  
Here is my new car... we picked it up so late I had already gone to bed when Daddy tried to put it together, and since it required a hammer it had to wait till morning.  Here I am checking it out before Daddy got it together.  
Whoot... check me out driving my new car.  I love it.  We went out and took a tour around the driveway, and over to visit Mrs. Liz.  I was cruzin.  

Mommy had to include this picture, she said we looked very happy and handsome.  She couldn't pass up sharing it with all of you.

Apr 24 - Easter Box

I got my Easter Basket from Aunt Sue & Uncle Greg.  Cousin Larlie was nice enough to bring it home to me.  

Mommy this is my sucker... you stay away... hehehe 

Thank You for my goodies Aunt Sue.... I love you!

Apr 23 - Tude?

I had me some more chocolate frosting.. it was really, really good... but here I am tired and ready for some naps.  :)  

* This is late because Mommy couldn't find the cord for the other camera that had more pictures on it... I will have a talk with her and let her know it is not acceptable to be this late.  

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Apr 22 - Frosting...

Tonight after I ate my supper, (pasta stars in tomato sauce) Mommy gave me a piece of cake with chocolate frosting.  I know it kinda looks bad, but it was VERY good.  :)  Mommy had tried to clean some of my supper off my face before she gave me the cake, I know it doesn't look like it, but she knew I was going to get all messy anyway.  :o)  

Apr 21 - Lil Stud

I had a great time yesterday playing with Mommy.  I can't remember what I'm doing here... but it looks like I was running.  LOL  I could have been after Sasha or Poncho... and I'm sure they were running from me.  

Look at all my teeth.... No wonder I've been Mr. CrankyPants.  

YES, my Daddy is a Stud too... :o) (my shirt)

* Wearing orange for Stellan

Monday, April 20, 2009

Apr 20 - La La La

I really enjoyed my supper once again.  I love to eat!!  :o)  Check me out singing with Mommy as she try's to get me to say "Ma Ma".  Check out what I prefer to say... LOL  

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Apr 19 - Walkin

Mommy & I went for a ride to enjoy the wonderful weather.  We also went to visit Mrs. L, it took me a while, but in no time I was walking back and forth while Mommy visited.  One of these days maybe I'll get close to her.  Soon maybe.  :o)

After supper I didn't want to put down my fork, so I carried it all around the house.  I even took it to the bathtub with me.  Check out me walking... I like to put my hands up for balance, and Mommy & Daddy love it.  :o)  

Apr 18 - Dancin

I was dancing up a storm before Mommy could get the camera out.  LOL  I danced a tiny bit on here... Don't mind Mommy's handy camera work... LOL  We will try to get her some edumacation soon.  LOL  

*(wow... my voice is wack)  LOL

Friday, April 17, 2009

Apr 17 - Brusha

I just couldn't take it anymore... Sasha has some stank breath and needed my toothbrush more than I did.  I did get a good brushing in before she came and sat next to me.  Maybe it is a good thing that Mommy & Daddy have bought like 6 toothbrushes for me.  :)  

I had a great day today... it was nice outside so Mommy took me out to walk around a little bit.  She tried to keep me holding her hand, but I wanted to go out on my own.  In doing so, I got to going too fast and fell and scraped my knee.  I was a very big boy and didn't cry.  Mommy was very proud of me.  She took me in and washed it real good, and I got my very first bandaid.  Mommy forgot to get a picture.  ;o(  Next time.  :o)

Apr 16 - Can you see?

Can you see that I am eating a grilled cheese?  I am sure Mommy shouldn't be making me laugh while I'm eating, especially with such a big bite, but she couldn't help it.  

I love to eat... and grilled cheese is fastly becoming one of my favorite foods.... with pancakes coming right up top... they can be tied for first.  :)  

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Apr 15 - Kissy Face

LOL... Don't I just make you laugh?  hehehe

I had just finished lunch, and a quick coloring session.  Here I am clowning Mommy to give me snacks.  How can you resist this face?  Mommy can't either... LOL  

I had a great day playing with Mommy & even with Sasha tonight.  :)  She growled at me a little... but she changed her tune when I threw her rope.  :o)  heheh  She was just telling me to hurry up and throw the rope.  :o)  

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Apr 14 - Coloring

I had so much fun coloring eggs for Easter, that Mommy brought out my crayons and marker things.  I had a great time... although I think Mommy did more coloring than me.  I had a good time playing in the colors though.  Good thing it all washes off because the purple doesn't look very good on my arm.  :o)  If you look real close you can see all my teeth.  Rawr!!!

Apr 13 - Spoon

I took a break from walking all over the house to eat.  I got Mommy laughing at me when I made a mustache out of my spoon.  I am learning to be quite the ham.  :)  

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Apr 12 - Happy Easter

Happy Easter!!  Can you see some of the things that the Easter Bunny brought me.  I was so not ready to be awake yet, although it didn't take me long to enjoy all my presents.  :)  Mommy caught the bestest picture of me, she is so totally right though... I am da BOMB.  :)

Check me out coloring my
 first Easter eggs.  Yes, Mommy needs to revisit an anatomy class soon.  LOL!!   I had a wonderful time.  In the end the eggs were all crunchy, but they are beautifully colored.  I was able to make some pretty awesome looking eggs, by moving them from one color cup to another.  I spilled some of the color and then had a grand ol' time splashing around in it.  :)
Right after this picture, Mommy put me in the sink to try and get some of the dye off of me.  My soap didn't get me clean, so Mommy tried some Dawn dishsoap.  It didn't totally take all the color off, but it sure did help.  :)  I still have a light green foot, and a hand with a tinge of blue... and don't forget the dots of blue that are on my eyelids and the one above my lip.  :o)  

I didn't hunt Easter eggs until tonight.  Mommy told the Easter Bunny it would be best if he put my 'Yogurt Melts' in them.  That was the best.  Once I figured out there were snacks inside I would get one and take it to Mommy and have her open it so I could eat the goodie out.  :o)  Can you see all the open eggs all over the floor.  I didn't find them all, but that gives me more fun for tomorrow.  I can't wait.

Apr 11 - Fit

Can you say tired?  I do have my moments and last night it so happened that Mommy caught it on camera.  Daddy is so taking me seriously... can't you see??  This didn't last long at all... but I sure did put on a cute little show.  :)  If I were big enough... be sure "cute" wouldn't quite be the word I would use.   :o)  

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Apr 10 - I want

DOWN!  LOL  :)  Daddy wouldn't let me play down on the deck.  I know it isn't exactly safe, but I really wanted down.  :)  Plus I was hungry.  We were waiting on cousin Charlie to finish grilling so we could sit down to eat.  :)  Mommy ended up feeding me soon after this because I was starting to really get mad.  :)  

Mommy & Daddy went for ice cream, and Daddy shared his banana ice cream with me  :)  mmmm I really liked it  :)  I want more!! MORE MORE MORE!  LOL

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Apr 9 - Smart Guy!!

All the toys I have... I find an empty snack container and lid.  Check out how smart I am putting the lid on... and taking it off.  :)  I played like this for about 30 minutes, and Mommy took a few videos.  :)  I had my bink pretty much all day because Mommy doesn't like the sound of me grinding my teeth.  She thinks maybe I have some teeth coming in and thats why I'm grinding them together.  

Mommy & Daddy are so proud of me!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Apr 8 - Ahh Choo

Tonight during my bath, Mommy caught a picture right as I sneezed.  :o)  

I was a very good boy today which was good because Mommy wasn't feeling very well.  We went to the grocery store and I laughed when Mommy knocked some bottles of baby food on the floor.  I almost got my hands on a couple too, but good thing Cousin Charlie was watching me real close.  :) 

Sneeze or Smile, I am still the cutest thing ever.  :)  

Apr 7 - Red Sauce

I eat... you all know I eat.  :o)  There are going to continue to be lots of pictures of me eating or modeling food.  :)  Here I am modeling some red sauce... it had noodles and peas and corn. Weird combo but it sure did taste good.  

Monday, April 6, 2009

Apr 6 - Big Boy!

Check me out!  I am a 'Big Boy'...

I am starting to walk all over with less falling down, unless I get to thinking too much about what I am doing.  Mommy has to act like she isn't looking or I automatically sit down and crawl to where I want to go.  

I am still not talking except 'Da Da".  I almost said 'shit' today for the second time.  Mommy really needs to watch what she says around me.  (Won't say 'Ma' but will say shit... LOL)

Today I hit my head on the leg of the table, the entertainment center and lots of my toys.  I even landed on Poncho when I leaned back on my throne.  Oh, and I even fell on Sasha... Today I had a very clumsy day... maybe tomorrow will be better.  

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Apr 5 - Whoo

Today started great... we went for a ride to enjoy the sunshine and wonderful sunshine.  We stopped for lunch and I ate VERY well.  Before we were going to leave, Daddy got me out of my chair so Mommy could change me before we went on another adventure... WELL... I had exploded... There was NO changing thing in the bathroom of the place we were at, so Mommy & Daddy took me out to the car spread out a mat for me to lay on... they had to make me nakkey to get me clean and changed me in the car.  Once again, Mommy didn't have a change of clothes for me in the car, so I got to go nakkey for a while.  :o)

Tonight while Daddy was grilling supper I got to giggling when Mommy pointed at Poncho and told him to knock it off (eating stuff in the grass).  Mommy & Daddy had to keep doing it, they said I was too precious and wanted to keep me laughing.  :o)  hee hee  

 I'm posing ... aren't I handsome?  I am going to be so much fun for Mommy when I get big enough to go outside and find me a big ol mud puddle to play in.  Can you imagine what I'm going to look like?  Oh the pictures Mommy is going to get.  :o)

Check me out... I really got into my food tonight.  :)  Here I am trying to show Mommy that I was really using my spork, not just my hands.  :o)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Apr 4 - 14 mo old!!

 Look at me kicked back catching some major Z's.  This is me one year ago today, look at what a little guy I was... Mommy & Daddy can't believe how much I am growing.  I sure did sleep a lot back then... We checked out some premie clothes today at Walmart... really can't believe how much bigger I am today... 

At lunch today I was being a little ham, I am a VERY happy boy. (unless I'm tired or hungry)  This is after I had eaten my second lunch for the day... I must be growing, I can't get enough food in my belly.  :)   I took a decent nap in the car as we drove around enjoying the beautiful weather outside.  :o)

Check me out... I got up here all by myself.  Can you believe it??  I am growing up to be such a big boy.  ;o)  Pretty soon my feet will reach the peddles and I will be riding this all over the house.  Better get Mommy a wig soon... I'll put that on my Mother's Day gift list for her.  :)  Just for when she starts to pull her hair out.  LOL  Mommy & Daddy looked at helmets for me today but the smallest they found was for a 3 year old... Not that big yet... thankfully.  :)  Maybe they need to look online.  :)  

Friday, April 3, 2009

Apr 3 - Beautiful Day

It was beautiful out today, and Mommy and I went out for a little walk.  Mommy brought along my essentials: my drink and some yogurt bites.  While walking, we visited with a lady down the road and her 3 yr old (great) grandson and also stopped by to check on and visit a little with Ms. Liz.  I had a wonderful time soaking up the sun... there was a bit of wind but I didn't seem to mind it at all.  

As you can see here I am starting to sit up on my Lion... I haven't figured out the push/walk myself thing, but it is going to be no time at all.  I am also taking more steps myself... :)  
After supper, Daddy took us all to Cold Stone Creamery and I got a little of Daddy's Banana ice cream.  I wasn't too interested at first... but once I got a taste, my eyes lit up and I was all about getting me some more of that wonderful delishishness.  :o)  

Once we got home, I got a bath, brushed my teeth and played a little before I went to bed.  :)  Now I'm in sweet dream land.  Good night :o) 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Apr 2 - Cheesy

I love me some mac & cheese.  Today I really got into my eating... like that isn't normal.  LOL  This picture was after Mommy washed my face once.  I had cheese on my eyelid, in my eyelashes everywhere.    
Tonight when Mommy was getting me dressed for bed she found some dried up cheese in my ear.  LOL  I tried to tell her I was saving that for later in case I needed a midnight snack.  :o)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Apr 1 - April Fool!!

I didn't take a long nap today... I took one just long enough for Mommy to get a quick shower.  One hour is not enough for a very active Punkin!  Mommy started to annoy me with all the pictures she was taking.  I was so not impressed with her today.  :)  Things got better though.  :) We did a lot of playing and wrestling... yeah!!  Mommy heard about some play groups she is going to check out for us.  They are free and about 5 miles away... I'm sure they will be good for both of us.  

Mommy sat me on my scooter and I had a grand ol time.  :)  I love to sit there and push all the buttons and make noise.  When I'm not sitting up there looking all handsome, I love to put things in the cubby under the seat.  Today that is where my cup spent most of the day.  :)  it is my new hiding place.  

There almost has to be a food picture.  I love to eat, and lately it seems like I am eating more and more.  I ate my supper, played then sat here and ate a good bit of Mommy's meatloaf, mashed potato's, and green beans.  :)

This picture just made Mommy & Daddy laugh.  :)  It is like Mommy startled me ... LOL 
*Mommy couldn't choose... so you get 4 today... :)