Happy Easter!! Can you see some of the things that the Easter Bunny brought me. I was so not ready to be awake yet, although it didn't take me long to enjoy all my presents. :) Mommy caught the bestest picture of me, she is so totally right though... I am da BOMB. :)
first Easter eggs. Yes, Mommy needs to revisit an anatomy class soon. LOL!! I had a wonderful time. In the end the eggs were all crunchy, but they are beautifully colored. I was able to make some pretty awesome looking eggs, by moving them from one color cup to another. I spilled some of the color and then had a grand ol' time splashing around in it. :)

Right after this picture, Mommy put me in the sink to try and get some of the dye off of me. My soap didn't get me clean, so Mommy tried some Dawn dishsoap. It didn't totally take all the color off, but it sure did help. :) I still have a light green foot, and a hand with a tinge of blue... and don't forget the dots of blue that are on my eyelids and the one above my lip. :o)
I didn't hunt Easter eggs until tonight. Mommy told the Easter Bunny it would be best if he put my 'Yogurt Melts' in them. That was the best. Once I figured out there were snacks inside I would get one and take it to Mommy and have her open it so I could eat the goodie out. :o) Can you see all the open eggs all over the floor. I didn't find them all, but that gives me more fun for tomorrow. I can't wait.