Today started great... we went for a ride to enjoy the sunshine and wonderful sunshine. We stopped for lunch and I ate VERY well. Before we were going to leave, Daddy got me out of my chair so Mommy could change me before we went on another adventure... WELL... I had exploded... There was NO changing thing in the bathroom of the place we were at, so Mommy & Daddy took me out to the car spread out a mat for me to lay on... they had to make me nakkey to get me clean and changed me in the car. Once again, Mommy didn't have a change of clothes for me in the car, so I got to go nakkey for a while. :o)

Tonight while Daddy was grilling supper I got to giggling when Mommy pointed at Poncho and told him to knock it off (eating stuff in the grass). Mommy & Daddy had to keep doing it, they said I was too precious and wanted to keep me laughing. :o) hee hee
I'm posing ... aren't I handsome? I am going to be so much fun for Mommy when I get big enough to go outside and find me a big ol mud puddle to play in. Can you imagine what I'm going to look like? Oh the pictures Mommy is going to get. :o)
Check me out... I really got into my food tonight. :) Here I am trying to show Mommy that I was really using my spork, not just my hands. :o)
Awww to darn cute!! But it looks like he had a blast eating!!