Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mar 31 - Talking...

Isn't this the most precious face ever?  I was laughing at Mommy.  When someone coughs or laughs, I imitate them.  Mommy got to laughing at Daddy and I had to join in.  :)  It was absolutely adorable.  :)  

Don't mind the camera work, Mommy was having issues.  LOL  Here I am talking and saying "Da da da da", and kinda making a funky noise that Mommy is sure that is going to one day be "Ma Ma".  I still won't say anything close to 'Ma', I'm thinking it... It just isn't time to say it yet.  Sorry Mommy!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Mar 30 - AAAAAhhhh

Ahhh check out my teeth!!  I am growing so much and getting to be such a big boy!!  I still have a ton of teeth trying to break through, but I am being a trooper.  They aren't taking away from my playtime at all.  I love to chew on my shoes... Mommy doesn't quite get it because I have tons of toys that are all over the living room.  Shhh I'm just keeping her on her toes.  :o)

If you look close you can see the wonderful mini shiner I have going by my right eye.  I happened to hit it again today.  I was all boy today!  :o)

*Yes, Mommy knows the picture is blurry... hard to keep up with me moving around a lot.  :o)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mar 29 - Owwwie

After eating all my supper of raviolis, Mommy gave me a popsicle to help my gums.  It really felt good on my gums.  Mommy looked best she could and it looks like there are 3 new teeth trying to come in.  The one we showed you yesterday Mommy thinks is the one giving me the most trouble.  

Today we went out and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine.  I hope we keep the warm weather, but not looking forward to the humidity we have coming.  

Tonight while playing my favorite game of knocking the chair pads off the chairs, I slipped and got the side of my face on the chair.  This left a nice little knot just under my eye.  You can see it in this picture.  Mommy gets so sad when I hurt myself... she knows there is more coming but it is hard nonetheless.  A little after this happened, I pulled the little camera down off the counter onto my face.  :(  I had a rough evening with little owwwie's.  

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mar 28 - Grilled Cheese

Check out my new shirt.  Daddy found it for me at Walgreens, can you believe it?  Everyone loved it that we saw today.  I think Mommy will have to worry about the little girls!!  I'm just too cute!!

Today we had a great family outing, and I had a grilled cheese that I absolutely loved!!  

I am now clapping all the time.  I will let go of everything, and just start clapping.  Oh, and I tried to just take off today too.  I let go of the ottoman and tried to walk across the room.  It didn't quite work out the way I wanted, but I know I will get the hang of it really soon.  :)  

If you make the bottom picture big... check out my gums, can you see there is another tooth about to break through??  I am doing really good with my teeth, I am only a slight bit cranky... Although don't ask Mommy she might say different.  :)  I have been chewing on pretty much anything I can get in my mouth: fingers, socks that have just come off my feet & any toy I can fit in my mouth.  Yes, socks are my new favorite thing.  I try to stuff the whole sock in.  :)  I won't sit still long enough for Mommy to get a good picture.  As soon as she does I'm sure she will post it on here for all of you to see.  :)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Mar 27 - Snacks

Today Mommy filled up my little snack holder on my table and thought she was being safe sitting my snacks on the tv stand.  She is now realizing that I am getting tall quick.  While she was busy with laundry I got ahold of my snacks and had a grand ol' time.  :)  As you can see here I made sure I had snacks all around me.  I put my bink in the container and then tried to get it out with my hand, but ended up having to pour them out because I couldn't reach it.  

Thank you Mommy for letting me play in my snacks.  :)  

Mar 26 - Sketty O's

Tonight Mommy stripped me down and I had sketty o's for the first time. If you can't tell, I really get into my food.  I might have worn more of my food than I ate, but I really enjoyed my supper tonight.  Wonder when I'm going to get more??  

I think I might be an artist one day.  Mommy needs to break out the finger paints.  :)  LOL  She told me that she will make me some out of yogurt and food coloring soon.  :)  That is going to be really fun!  I can't wait!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mar 25 - Hat

Mommy got me all dressed today, then took my shirt off for me to eat my pancake breakfast.  :)  Yummmy!!  After I ate I didn't want my shirt back on, so Mommy let me run around nakey nake...   

I love to try and put my hat on, but I can't quite get it.  I am going to keep working on it, and I'll let you know when I do.  :o)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mar 24 - Climbing

Check me out!!  I'm trying to climb on everything, as you can see here.  :)  I never did make it all the way up on here, but I know it won't be long.  I also can climb up into my wagon and love to stand up in it... and my car. :)  

I am getting so big, I haven't been able to stand under the table in quite a while... and when I open the drawers in the kitchen, they can hit me on top of my head.  I need to start being more careful.  

Mommy thinks she needs to get me a helmet.  :o)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mar 23 - Catch up

After all the time in the car... and sleeping the whole way home last night... I still slept in till 9:15 this morning.  :)  Mommy & Daddy had a lot of things they had to take care of... so we were out and about almost all afternoon.  I didn't get my normal afternoon nap... I did take a decent nap in the car. 

Tonight I was happy to play with Cousin Charlie.  I sat out his bedroom door making noise until he came out and played with me.  I am very attached to him... and I like when he plays with me, even if I do sucker him into it sometimes.  :o)  heheh

Mommy didn't get any pictures today of me... so she ran in and got one of me after I had gone to bed.  Don't I look so peaceful??  

Mar 22 - Happy Birthday Grandma

I had a great time at Grandma's birthday party!!  :)  I loved being outside playing... I even got a splinter in my hand... which Mommy can't get out.  (she doesn't want to put too much pressure and hurt me).  Grandma was soo happy to see me, and to have everyone there for her.  :)  I don't think she should have cooked so much, but I think she was trying to have everything perfect.  :)

I'm getting better at going to everyone... although when I'm tired I have my moments.  :)  

Mommy got a picture of Grandpa holding me. I didn't give him much of a choice... specially when I reach my arms out to him.  :o)

I sure do love my Grandma & Grandpa... I wish I could see them more often.  Maybe I should have a talk with Mommy & Daddy to let them know we need to go down more often.

Mar 21 - Going to NC

Today we went on a trip to NC for Grandma's birthday.  She planned herself a cookout and we wanted to be there to see her.  :)  

I didn't sleep very much on the drive... maybe an hour... then you can see here I decided to take a little nap right as we got to Aunt Sue's house.  :)  

I was a good boy all day, but both Mommy and I were extremely tired once we got to the hotel to sleep.  We argued a little because I didn't want to sleep in my pack n play and when she put me in bed with her and Daddy all I wanted to do was flop around all over.  Once I finally went to sleep, Mommy and Daddy didn't sleep well... I kinda put my feet all over Mommy's face.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Mar 20 - Basket Time

Lately I have been all about getting in things.  My car, the toy box and now my burpie basket.  If you can see I have thrown out all my burpies and am in the basket.  The basket isn't very big, but it looks huge with me in it.  Daddy was amazed at how small I look in here.  I had a great time playing in here.  :)

Cousin Charlie came home today and I took a couple steps to him once we got home.  :)  I think I surprised him a little...  I got a little upset while eating supper and wanted him to hold me, and got my supper all over him.  He didn't get mad at me at all... he must have really missed me.  :o)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mar 19 - Climbing

I have tried to climb up the slide before but never quite got the hang of it or to the top.  Today I climbed all the way up before Mommy could get to me, and she couldn't get the camera either.  Tonight I really shocked Daddy when I climbed up.  Mommy and Daddy are a little confused at how I can climb the slide so well, but I'm not walking.  I am doing what I want when I want and how I want.  :)  LOL

Mommy figured out where all my juice was going too... she watched me drink some... get a mouth full and let it all drain out of my mouth onto my shirt.  :)  It sure did make me giggle, I was having a GREAT time... :o)

With climbing the ladder, I haven't quite figured out I need to come down on my butt.  Maybe it is the little boy in me wanting to come down face first.  I know Mommy and Daddy panicked a little, but I was all about going down the slide one way or another.  

Mommy is really going to have to keep her eyes on me all the time... I found something new to do!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mar 18 - Drivin

Check me out... I'm driving in my car & Mommy's making my phone ring and I then I get the giggles.  :)  

Can you see how wet my shirt and my pants are?  Mommy wasn't quick enough and I went splashin in the doggies water.  :)  They weren't too happy with me... but I sure did have a good time.  :)

At lunch I also found that my hand fit perfectly in my food thingie and splashed noodle juice all over.  I thought it was quite hilarious, Mommy tried to hide her giggles... but I saw her... shhh don't tell her.  :o)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mar 17 - Gimme

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

I was all dressed up in my "I'm a McCutie" shirt, but when Mommy changed me she wasn't as fast as she should have been.  I peed all over my shirt, Mommy's shoe, and left a big puddle on the floor.  :)  So, I moved on to my green shirt and my overalls.  

I am so over Mommy feeding me with my spoon.  I want to do it.  Here I am showing her... I want the spoon... I want to do it.  :o)  She gave in and let me finish my supper with her supervision.  I didn't do a bad job either.  I know how to get the spoon in my mouth, just can't seem to keep the food where it is suppose to be.  That is ok though, I know how to use my hands.  :o)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Mar 16 - Posing

Check out my Punkin sitting like a big boy!!  He loves to sit and pat his lap.  I guess it comes from his toy telling him to pat his tummy.  :)  Just isn't quite there yet.  :o)

He did some hard playing today... which was really good since he was up at 6.  He took a quick hour nap around 9, then some more hard playing/lunch and then a good nap.  :o)

Those shoes look so darn big from this angle... No, he isn't Bozo.  :o)  The Stride Rite guy measured his feet and gave these to him... so it wasn't me.  :)  
* We can't believe how big he is getting... it is amazing.  He is getting more independent, which makes me sad.  ;o(  I wish I could figure out how to keep him from pulling the drawers open in his room and smooshing his little fingers.  :o(  

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mar 15 - First Steps

It has been raining all weekend, so to get out of the house we went to Red Robin for lunch.  :)  I loved all the balloons, and Daddy got me a yellow one.  :)  
Once we got home, Mommy was trying to get me to dance with her, but boy did I have a surprise for her. I took my first 2 steps to Mommy!!  Daddy was even watching and got to see!!  Mommy and Daddy were so excited I have been holding back.  :o)

Cousin Charlie was TDY so he didn't get to see, but maybe I'll be walking all over when he gets home.  :)    

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mar 14 - New Toy holder thingie

Daddy & Mommy got some more toy holder thingies today.  My toys were overflowing the one we had in the living room.  I found that I like climbing in and out.  I did have a little 'tude' when my foot would get stuck.  :)

Yes I'm wearing my undershirt/onesie thing and sporting my awesome shoes.  I just had lunch, and it was messy.  :o)  Could have had something to do with not wanting Mommy to help, I had to do it all by myself.  

Friday, March 13, 2009

Mar 13 - Sketty

Today was a full day of playing and running from Momma.  I keep finding the water bowl and can't just pass it up.  There is too much fun to be had.  How can she not want me to splash?? 

Tonight Mommy made me nakkey and gave me sketty to go to town with.  I wasn't much into wanting to eat tonight.  Mommy thinks maybe my incoming teeth are bothering me a bit.  I didn't eat much at all.  I did nurse for a bit, so hopefully that will hold me over till morning.  

* Can you see all my teeth?  LOL  I have 5 through through, and 2 that are just poking and 2 more that look like they are about to come though... they have my gums really swollen.  :(

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mar 12 - Funny Face

Today we went and had lunch with Miss Monica, and had a great time.  I had a grilled cheese, but they nuked it and I had to eat around the hard cheese.  :(  Next time I hope they do it right.  

I get so excited when Cousin Charlie comes home from work.  I love to make funny faces at him.  This is my scrunch smile.  :)  Aren't I the most handsome??  

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mar 11 - Eating

Tonight I got to feed myself supper.  :o)  I really enjoyed it, can you tell?  I used my spoon really well, until it got slippery.  :o)  I also tried to chew on the bowl, and also put my face in the bowl.  I'm so darn cute.  :o)

This afternoon since it was nice outside, Mommy took me across the street and we visited with Mrs. Liz.  We took my little walker wagon over and I pushed it up and down her walkway.  :)  

Lets see how well I sleep tonight... 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mar 10 - Talent

O M G ! ! !  I climbed up into my car all by myself, and stood there.  I'm not sure why I am standing in it, but I sure did give Momma a heart attack.  I love to push the buttons and listen to the music and hear the blinkers: blink blink blink.  My favorite is the rap music my car plays.  :o)  It makes me dance, dance dance.  :o)

Mommy was trying to cook dinner and heard splashing can you guess what she found when she came around the corner?  LOL  If you look close you can see the drops flying through the air.  I laughed and laughed as you can see.  I also go soaked!!  Mommy & Daddy need to get me a pool.  :o)  I'm ready for summer.  :o)  

* I fell asleep in Mommy's lap tonight so she took the opportunity to feel my gums to check for teeth.  She found one on the bottom that has already broke through that she didn't even have a clue was coming in.  She can also feel the two points on top from what Nana tells us are the eye teeth.  :o)  My gums on the bottom are all swollen where my "stomach" teeth are working their way up.  

* I am starting to let go more and stand on my own.  I just don't have the confidence yet to take off... but Mommy thinks it is going to be soon.  :o)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mar 9 - Brusha Brusha

After my bath tonight I did my "Brusha Brusha Brusha".  I'm not too keen on letting Mommy brush my teeth really well but I do a pretty good job.  :)  Mommy makes me let her though... as long as she bushes quickly.  :o)

* I can't help but sing the song from "Grease" when I get him to brush his teeth.  It keeps him entertained and brushing.  :o)  Thankfully

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mar 8 - Playtime

Today was a busy day playing, while waiting for Daddy to get home from the office.  All these toys and you see what I'm playing with?  A tube of 'Butt Paste'.  LOL  

Tonight I found the diaper stacker...  I learned how to pull out the diapers and throw them all around me.  I did attempt to put them back in also.  

I'm still awake and playing with Daddy in my room.  :o)  Think Mommy needs to come help me relax.... :o)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mar 7 - Milestone

Today we finally turned Punkin to where he is facing forward in the car.  We did a lot of running around today and he was a real trooper.  He took maybe a 20-30 minute nap in the car in the morning, and then this little nap this afternoon.

I love how he holds his arms up when he sleeps.  :o)  He is so peaceful.  :o)  

Mar 6 - My Peeps

Punkin really loves his "Little People".  He will shove them anywhere there is an opening... and will even throw them if they won't cooperate and go into the hole he is trying to get them in.  :o)  

I love to watch him play, and to see his mind work as he gets them to do what he wants them to do.  

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mar 5 - Busy Boy!

Today I did a lot of running around with Mommy and I was a very good boy.  :)   A lot of people visited with me everywhere we went.  :o)  

This is my "Little People Garage", and it is one of my favorite toys.  :o)  I love to throw the lil people down the slide and the elevator, but don't put the elevator up or I am going to get very angry.  Today I have learned to turn the the garage on it's side and push it all around the house like one of my walker toys.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mar 4 - Climbing

O M G ! ! !  I have excelled to climbing greater heights... LOL  I know it is only a few inches... but Mommy about had a heart attack.  This is me wanting to swing "Right Now"  LOL  :)  Actually I put some toys in the seat of the swing and I was playing with them... 

Today I also climbed in my car all by myself... (backwards) with Mommy sitting right next to me and she didn't see me do it.  I also got stuck in the car somehow and got really MAD!!

I have been calamity all day... I fell in the kitchen on the tile and my lip got swollen.  I did get a cherry popsicle (sugar free) and that made me feel much better.  A little while after that... I got brave and let go of Cousin Charlie and fell and hit my head.  I think I'm getting a little too daring for my own safety and Mommy's sanity.  :o)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mar 3 - Lovin'

I am getting so big, and moving around so fast.  I don't take too much time to slow down and give out some love time.  Today was a special day for Mommy.  I gave her lots, and lots of lovin!!  

Monday, March 2, 2009

Mar 2 - Future pitcher???

Do you think I'm ready or what?  Daddy wasn't quite as fast as I wanted him to be at getting my bath ready for me.  After this picture, I decided to play in the dogs water bowl.  

Now I am laying on Daddy fighting sleep once again.  I've already laid down in my crib once... but threw my bink and hollered... I even had real tears.  :o( But I am sooo sleepy... 

Mar 1 - Whoops

Today was a very laid back day.  I ate, I played, I ate, I played, I napped, I ate, I played, I played, I napped, and I ate some more.  :o)  

It was cold and rainy so we didn't go out.  :o(  I like weekends because we go out and I get to people watch.  I am a bit of a stare-er, but I'm only checking people out.  :o)

I look so ornery in this picture, but so darn handsome.  :o)