Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mar 5 - Busy Boy!

Today I did a lot of running around with Mommy and I was a very good boy.  :)   A lot of people visited with me everywhere we went.  :o)  

This is my "Little People Garage", and it is one of my favorite toys.  :o)  I love to throw the lil people down the slide and the elevator, but don't put the elevator up or I am going to get very angry.  Today I have learned to turn the the garage on it's side and push it all around the house like one of my walker toys.  

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Sue is sooo glad you like your "Little People Garage" I'll make sure not to pull the elevator up when I come see you I love and miss you sooo much!!! Love, Aunt Sue
