After eating all my supper of raviolis, Mommy gave me a popsicle to help my gums. It really felt good on my gums. Mommy looked best she could and it looks like there are 3 new teeth trying to come in. The one we showed you yesterday Mommy thinks is the one giving me the most trouble.
Today we went out and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine. I hope we keep the warm weather, but not looking forward to the humidity we have coming.

Tonight while playing my favorite game of knocking the chair pads off the chairs, I slipped and got the side of my face on the chair. This left a nice little knot just under my eye. You can see it in this picture. Mommy gets so sad when I hurt myself... she knows there is more coming but it is hard nonetheless. A little after this happened, I pulled the little camera down off the counter onto my face. :( I had a rough evening with little owwwie's.
Hey there, Boo Boo!! Aunt Sue hasn't been on the computer much this week, so I'm catching up on all your pics and reading what's been going on with you. Daddy told me about your owwie...my poor Boo Boo!! I sure have missed you since ya'll were down for Grandma's birthday!! One of the highlights for me that weekend was when you gave me a hug!! I was just so thrilled!! I love you more than you could ever know!! Well, let me go check out your other pics....and owwie or not....you are just too cute!! Love, Aunt Sue