O M G ! ! ! I climbed up into my car all by myself, and stood there. I'm not sure why I am standing in it, but I sure did give Momma a heart attack. I love to push the buttons and listen to the music and hear the blinkers: blink blink blink. My favorite is the rap music my car plays. :o) It makes me dance, dance dance. :o)
Mommy was trying to cook dinner and heard splashing can you guess what she found when she came around the corner? LOL If you look close you can see the drops flying through the air. I laughed and laughed as you can see. I also go soaked!! Mommy & Daddy need to get me a pool. :o) I'm ready for summer. :o)
* I fell asleep in Mommy's lap tonight so she took the opportunity to feel my gums to check for teeth. She found one on the bottom that has already broke through that she didn't even have a clue was coming in. She can also feel the two points on top from what Nana tells us are the eye teeth. :o) My gums on the bottom are all swollen where my "stomach" teeth are working their way up.
* I am starting to let go more and stand on my own. I just don't have the confidence yet to take off... but Mommy thinks it is going to be soon. :o)
There you go, Christian!! Drive mommy crazy...lol. I love the pic with you playing in the water too. It's cool how your mommy was able to capture the water flying everywhere. And you look soaked and happy!! Don't grow up so fast, little man!! Aunt Sue loves and misses you very much!!