Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jun 28 - Orange

I am Mommy's favorite color. :o)

I had a great time eating my spaghetti O's for supper. :) I had a great time playing in my sketty o's. :o) It took a good long bath to get me clean... I think I still have a slight orangish tinge. :o) hehehe

Jun 27 - Sleepy

Today was a busy day. We went out house stalking in Virginia Beach. I really had my eye on the two houses with pools. :o) Mommy even dipped my feet in the second pool we saw. Both Daddy and I wanted to jump in. :o) I love to go for a ride... and was a very good boy.
We also went to the mall and had a great time. I even got some new clothes. :o) Plaid shorts.. whooty whoot whoot :)

Jun 26 - OWWIE

After figuring out how to open the door of the cabinet on my dresser... I slammed my thumb with it. :o( It was horrible... Mommy cried with me... She called and woke up Auntie Sparkie because she was panicking and didn't know what to do. She gave me a frozen washcloth, then we ran my hand under cold water... and with the cold wash cloth that helped out a lot. This picture is maybe 30 min after I hurt it, and it immediately turned purple. :(
After lots of crying, and many hugs from Mommy I played. :o) I also have some new teeth that are trying to come in... so I have my frozen hand... that is also helping with my thumb. :)

Jun 25 - Veggies

MMMMmmm... Veggie plate from Boston Market. I really liked the mac and cheese. (Mommy knows these aren't veggies... LOL) I also really liked the creamed spinach and sweet potatoes. They was yummy... and I look really good in what I eat. :o)

Jun 24 - Tow Truck

I have really loved playing with this toy lately. Mommy caught me trying to get my foot loaded just right. :) I want to go for a ride, but it isn't quite the right toy for the job. :o)

Jun 23 - Shirt

Mommy found me a GREAT shirt. :) Now to get Daddy to pose with me, to show our muscles. :)

Jun 22 - Sliding

Mommy didn't have a picture from today, so she uploaded this video of me figuring out how to do my slide. :) I am getting really good at this, although right after this video... I was climbing up and wasn't quite up and fell backwards off the climbing up stage. :( It was not cool at all. Made me stop climbing up for a bit. :(

Friday, June 26, 2009

Jun 21 - Climbing

The climbing stage has begun. :) It started with me going up on top of the slide and standing there. I am all about that. I try to move the telescope... but sometimes it doesn't go quite the way I want it too and I get very angry. Then I climbed up into my swing. I can't buckle myself in... but Daddy was standing off to the side to make sure that I am safe. I really like to swing. :)

Then... I moved on to the garage. I climbed right on up and took a seat. I'm not sure how I got my leg down the elevator... but it was a great fit. :) I climbed up here a few times... and really made Daddy & Mommy nervous. I'm a Boy... Helloooo

Then I moved onto my Roar.... The handle was up so I can walk behind it and push it... but did that stop me... NO. I climbed right up there like it was a saddle. Then I was able to sit right there and lean over and play with my table. :o)

Jun 20 - Trooper

All this riding around and looking at houses wears me out. Sometimes I can't handle it and just pass out asleep. I'm well on my way here.

Jun 19 - Funny Face

Some more riding in the car. I actually love to go for rides. Everytime mommy and daddy ask if I want to go for a ride, I get all excited and start running for the door.

Jun 18 - Answer the bat daddy

i didn't get a pic on the 18th due to hospitalness... :) But this was from the 17th. :) I heard the bat ring so I held it up to daddy so he could answer it.

Jun 17 - My Daddy

This is me sitting with my daddy at the hospital. The other "little" guy is Adrien. The bald spot on my daddy's head is just a reflection from the window. He's really got a full head of hair. There daddy, is that good??

I guess you can tell that I'm a little selfish with sharing my daddy with other kids. He's MY daddy.

Jun 16 - My Timothy

My cousin Timothy is the coolest (along with my Larlie). He lets me crawl all over him and sit in his lap. If he wasn't so big, I'd let him sit in my lap too. I'm not supposed to tell anyone but he said when I get bigger, he's going to sit in my lap. Sssshhhh, I'm not supposed to tell anyone.

Jun 15 - starchy

I'm not Casper, although if I was a ghost, I would definitely be a friendly ghost. Mommy puts all this white stuff on me after I have a bath. It's ok though because it makes me feel good. Thank you mommy.

Jun 14 - Ride Ride Ride Ride Ride

Seems like all day was spent riding in the car. I did good though. I didn't even scream while daddy was driving. He thinks he's an outstanding driver but he's no Rain Man. Somebody come save me and mommy.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Jun 13 - Me??

Are you talking to me? Don't even be looking at my mac & cheese, or even think your getting any.

Oh yeah, and yesterday... guess what my new word was?? Sheeaattt (just like that) LOL

Jun 12 - Sunglasses

Check out my new sunglasses. :o) I see Daddy put his sunglasses around his neck when we go into a store... I am just like my Daddy. :o)

And that smile... ahhhh melting Mommy's heart!!

Jun 11 - Stretch...

Mommy needs to realize ... if it is on the table... I am going to stretch and reach till I get what I want. And right now I am wanting Daddy's laptop and mouse. :o)

Jun 10 - supper

Eatting sketty!! mmm

** Mommy has been slacking.. multitude of reasons... and her memory not so good... Therefore... these are mostly going to be just pictures. :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jun 9 - Got Milk?

This is the reverse milk mustache... this is "Baby Style".  

Mommy so loves it when I spit my milk out... specially when I have on my fresh jammies.. :0)  I really get going when I see laughter.... Oh how wonderful!!  :o)

Jun 8 - Baby Einstein

You have now met the next Einstein. :o)  Can you believe that Mommy actually got my hair trimmed last week? 

Larlie works at getting my hair all proofed out every chance he gets, and I rock it well!!  :o)  I am a very Handsome Young Man!!  

Jun 7 - Cookie

While out and about house stalking with Mommy & Daddy we stopped in a smoothie place to grab some grub. 

After eating my grilled cheese, I wanted on Mommy's lap.  Mommy thankfully noticed that I had exploded out the top of my diaper before it got on her.  Thankfully this place had a baby changing station..(yeah).  Anywho.... Mommy told one of the workers they might want to change out the trash without a lot of detail... and they said "Thank You" and were even nice... He even brought me a couple cookies.  :o)  There is good service still out there... :)  

Jun 6 - Ring

I sure did tickle myself.  I put my ring on my head, and giggle... I take it off and put it back on.  :o)  

Friday, June 5, 2009

Jun 5 - Computer Geek in the making...

I love to e-mail on Daddy's computer, probably because Mommy won't leave hers where I can reach.  :o)

Jun 4 - 16 Mo Today!!

Today... I was cranky ALL day long.  My day started with my Roar getting stuck on everything.  I just couldn't handle it, and ran out of patience.  I don't know where I got that from!!  :o)

Jun 3 - Quiet Day

We had a kinda quiet day because Daddy was home with a headache.  I had a great time though.  ;o)  If you can't tell, I'm cutting more teeth... but I'm doing it with a smile.  :o)

Jun 2 - Guacamole Samach

Mommy gave me a mayo/guacamole sandwich and I was all about it.  I ate the whole sandwich and was almost ready for more.  :)  

I now have a new favorite lunch.  I don't seem to like cut up avocado, but I like me some guacamole.  mmmm 

Jun 1 - Funny Amanda...

I had a great time playing with Cousin Amanda while she has been here visiting...  She is fun to play with... and I like when she sits in my room with me while I play.  I have to apologize to her a lot though... I have hit her quite a few times with my toys.  Specially when she is sitting next to me in the back of the car.