Sunday, May 31, 2009

May 31 - jammies

Look at how big I am... yes, I know I am upside down... but humor Mommy.. she hasn't gotten a whole lot of sleep.  

I decided I wanted to be awake at 4 this morning.  Mommy tried and tried to get me to lay back down, but I was not having it.  

I played in the pool some more today... and I was not happy to get out and come inside.  Mommy had to put me to bed a little early tonight, I was quite the cranky pants.  Mommy is hoping for a full night of sleep.... Will let you know tomorrow. :o)

May 30 - Pool

Mommy & Daddy finally found me a little pool.  :)  It is really neat... only a small amount of water pools at the bottom and then there are little holes that spray all around the fishy.  I had a great time... and went right to the water.  I liked that I could walk in and out and all around.  I even walked all thorough the grass barefoot.  :o)  Daddy even got to see me climb the front steps.  I am EVERYWHERE!!  

OOhh  Today I had my first guacamole sandwich.  :o)  Ohhh so very good.  :)  I wasn't keen on avocado in the past, but I sure did like my sandwich... I ate the whole half.  :o)  

Friday, May 29, 2009

May 29 - 2nd haircut

Can you tell what I think of getting my haircut?  I have been up since 7:30, no nap... no snack... do I look like I want a haircut?  I didn't even get caffeinated chi this morning... Mommy better get her poop in a group if she ever wants this to happen again.  :o)  I only got a little taken off the top and off the sides.  :o)  I don't look quite as wild.  :o)  

See, I am a very Handsome Young Man!!  :o)  Mommy, keep me looking like a fine young Gentleman, Just like Daddy.... :)

May 28 - Happy Birthday Daddy!

We had a great time celebrating Daddy's birthday.  We made him a cake, but it didn't turn out very well.  It sure did taste good though.  Check me out with my sharing my cake with Mommy.  :o)

May 27 - Wanna Ride?

Today I went to the doctor for my 15 mo checkup (a little late... Mommy missed the one on the 5th... WHOOPS).  I weighed in at 21.6 lbs and was 30 1/2 inches tall.  :o)  Doctor said I'm doing very well!  I had to get 1 shot, but was a very good boy and handled it like a champ.  :o)  

The shot didn't slow me down too much, I pushed my car all over the house... I can even turn it and move it all over when it gets stuck.  I am such a big boy.  :)  

May 26 - Sketty O's

Tonight I wasn't too into eating what Mommy put in front of me until she gave me sketty o's.  :o)  I had a great time playing in them, I even ate quite a few.  :)  Mommy had fun trying to keep me from throwing them on the floor.  

Today I also played with Amanda on the floor.  I like when she snorts at me.  It really makes me laugh, which makes her laugh.  :o)  And then she snorts for real.  :)  hehehe 

Monday, May 25, 2009

May 25 - Park

This morning we went to the park up the road.  Mommy thought I would like the swings, but she was mistaken.  :o)  I did like this big lady bug.  Daddy kept moving her for me.  :o)  When I get a little bigger I will be able to keep it moving all by myself.  :o)  I liked the slide too.... they have little play things... one is for like 5 and up... The other is 2-5 and then swings for everyone.  Oh and these lovely lady bugs. :o)  

This was my most favorite part.... the wood mulch.  :o)  I sat here and played with it most of the time.  :o)  I threw it on Daddy.. I shared with Mommy.  :o)  I liked the mulch.  :o)  The little things to my right... you can turn, they have dinosaurs on them... I liked them too.  :)

May 24 - gunk gunk

If I'm not saying "dada", "gunk gunk" is.  :o)  It goes for everything... Mommy... doggie... drink... anything I want... :o)  I make my face, and my mouth like I'm going to say "mama", but that isn't what comes out.  

Oh, and today I had a blow out of champions.  :o)  We were out driving around looking at houses, and stopped to eat.  When we were getting ready to go, Mommy picked me up to find a mess.  Chunks all over the high chair... me... and now Mommy.  This wonderful establishment we were at did NOT have a changing table in the bathroom, so I had to get nakked and cleaned up in the hatch of the wagon.  Larlie & Amanda almost lost their lunches, it was kinda funny.  :o)  LOL  

Then tonight we had spaghetti for supper.... I burped up a noodle... right out of my mouth.  I know you probably don't believe me... Oh it's true!!! :o)  

Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23 - Soccer

I had a great time out playing at the soccer fields today.  We had bubbles, all three puppies and Daddy, Mommy, Larlie & Manda.  :)  We weren't able to stay out long.. it was hot and my face started to get splotchy... and didn't look so good.  

When we went out to lunch today... I had another explosion.  Once again the restaurant didn't have a changing station... so I got nakked in the hatch of the wagon.  :o)  It was probably a good thing as Mommy needed a little assistance.  I got poo all over her... and there was a bunch in the high chair too.  We went though every wipe Mommy had.  :o  I felt so much better.  

May 22 - Oops

Today was a busy day for Mommy... she was cleaning house and fixing things.  We went outside to play... and I had a great time... throwing my toys and pushing my Tonka.  Mommy forgot to take pictures.  :(  I will have to talk to her about that.  :)  I was a good boy.... all over the house and all up in the doggie water.  :o)  

This is me 1 year ago today.... I look like I'm kicking someone's butt in a dream though.  :)  I am still adorable... just ask my Mommy.  :o)

May 21 - Tonka

Me rikie my Tonka lately.  Here it is taking me for a ride... actually all that playing I had to take a break.  I didn't want Mommy to take a picture of me though.  :(  I know she is going to stalk me now when I'm playing.  :o)  

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 20 - ECU

Larlie should know exactly where my feet are at all times.  :)  

Sorry Larlie!!  It was an accident really.  I was just excited about the new hat you got me.  I love it!!  I make it look so sexxxxyyy.  :o) 

Check out my guns.... :o)  

May 19 - Blackberry

I have a love for Daddy's blackberry.  :)  I want it all the time... I will take it from Daddy... I will cry... and Daddy is learning how to not give in to me when I cry... 

Who wants to hit me up?  Daddy's number is 757-6XX-XXX1  LOL  

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18 - Mad

This morning I decided to wake up at 6:30... yes early!!  Then Mommy tried to get me to lay down for a short nap around 9:30... I played for just a bit but wasn't have NO part of napping.  So, Mommy got me up.  Then we had some running around to do... This is me mad. I'm tired... want to be awake.... want to be asleep... MAD... LOL I finally took a nap... but boy was I mad for a while.  LOL  

Daddy read the first chapter of "Treasure Island" to me this afternoon.  I played while he read... but I listened more than Daddy thinks I did.  :)  Thank you for reading to me Daddy.  I love you!

May 17 - see my muscles

Aren't I just the cutest thing?  "Drink it in Ladies"

Today, when I was drinking my milk Mommy tickled me and I spit my milk out all over her.  I didn't laugh out loud... nope.. not me... Daddy did though.  :o)  Shhh don't tell him I told you.  hehehe  I am getting so big and tall.  I can open the drawers in the kitchen and pull things out of them... and I can even reach up on the table a good ways.  I got my hand on Mommy's coffee cup the other day.  good thing she was paying attention to me.  :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 16 - Doggies

We picked up my doggies today from boarding.  :)  I was so happy to have them back.  Here I am talking to them.  :)  They were barking at me, so I had to bark back at them.  :)  It's more of a gunk gunk noise... but I know in my mind I'm barking right back.  :o)  

Thank You Aunt Sue & Uncle Greg for the UNC jersey.  :)  Daddy LOVES it just as much if not more than I do.  :o)

May 15 - Hospital

I finally let Aunt Sue hold me.  :)  She very much deserved it after the scare she gave us.  :)  

After letting me in the hospital, and up in her room for 2 days... some volunteer lady said I couldn't go up anymore.  So, I stayed with Uncle Greg and Mommy & Daddy went up to say good-bye so we could head home.  Uncle Greg was very sneaky and found a big elevator somewhere and brought me back upstairs to visit.  :)  He also took me back downstairs and hospital nazi lady was none the wiser.  :o)  

I Love you Aunt Sue and am VERY happy that you are feeling MUCH better.  :)  Not quite how we were suppose to see you this weekend!  :o) 

May 14 - Sleeping on Daddy

We had to go out of town... and I didn't want to sleep in my pack and play.  I didn't want to sleep next to Mommy either, I wanted to be touching Daddy.  :)  This is how I slept most of the night... Daddy was loving every minute of it.  :)  

May 13 - rash

Check out this rash I have.  It is mostly under my nose, but I have had a random bump on my nose and on my lip... and some around the sides of my mouth. I have had the rash for about 2 weeks.  Mommy has watched closely and now knows that it is not from my bink.  Some days it is light and then others it is real red.  

Mommy called the triage nurse and asked what she thought.  She said to put some hydrocortizone on it and to give me some Benadryl (I have been rubbing my nose a lot).  She said to call back if the rash is still here in a week.  She said it could have something to do with my teething (something about acid).  Mommy thinks it is really icky looking and feels horrible.  :(  I seem to be doing ok... but I think it itches.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12 - New Jammies

Ahhhh  Mommy didn't take too many pictures today.  She was busy cleaning up the house.  :)  I was a very good boy keeping her on her toes, like when the big doggie water bowl kept calling my name.    

Tomorrow we are going to go out... I can't wait.  I love to go out... I love outside... 

And... I found out today that my Grandma, Aunt Sue, and cousins are coming to visit this weekend... WOOO HOOOO... (Aunt Sue... I'll try to be nice.)  :o)  Love you!

May 11 - Laughing

While eating supper tonight, there was a cartoon on that was teaching Chinese words.  Every time Larlie would say the words to me it made me laugh.  :)  Mommy was able to catch me on video.  :o)  He he he he :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 10 - Happy Mother's Day

I am very thankful for my Mommy... I was up early to wish her a Happy Mother's Day!  :o)  Daddy and I spoiled her with wonderful presents, flowers & balloons.  :)  (I really liked the balloons!)  Then I helped Daddy make some cinnamon rolls and also some brownies.  :)  We have a cake to make at a later time.  :)  

We went out for a light brunch and I had mac & cheese which was awesome & I ate a lot!  Then when we got home, I helped Daddy make Mommy's favorite crab stuffed chicken breasts.  Mmmm!  

Happy Mothers Day to all you Mommy's out there!!  :o)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 9 - Shopping

I needed some new clothes, my 9 mo pajamas are getting stretched to the limit.  Also needed some sandals too.  When my feet get really hot, I get really mad.  :o)

Check out these shorts... yes... SHORTS, not capri's... (Mommy would never make me wear girlie capri's.)  LOL Mommy didn't want to buy 12 mo and me just grow right out of them in a few months, so she got me 18mo.  They are HUGE!!  Mommy had me try them on, that is why I'm sporting the tags.  :)  If they only had the little stretchy buttony thing to make the waist smaller.  Why don't they put those in all boy pants?  

You can also check out one pair of my new sandals.  Mommy had taken them off of me when we got home, but I like them so much I brought them to her and wanted them back on.  Mommy and Daddy are very happy that I like them.  I think I like them so much because I can play with my toes.  :)

May 8 - Got it going on...

I got the girlies calling me already.  Can't even get a bite to eat and they are blowin up the digits.  LOL  

Really I just finished supper but didn't want to let go of my fork.  Then I took Daddy's blackberry because I love to push the buttons.  

Check out my 'Handy Manny' to the left.  I love to watch me some Manny... I bring Mommy the DVD case all day long.  :)  Mommy knows all the songs... :)  She even bought me a CD to play in the car.  :)  

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7 - Fit & Happy

Just so you all know, I am not happy 100% of the time like Mommy tries to show you.  This is me tonight after Mommy took my bink away.  She wouldn't let me run all round the living room with it.  She is trying to cut down on me having it so she can ween me off.  I don't normally get it all the time, but I would love to.  :o)  I'll have a talk with Mommy tomorrow and ask her to take it easy on me.  :o)

I had a great time playing with Daddy tonight.  :)  He was chasing me around, and all he had to do was look at me and I would turn and run the other way.  :)  I ate a great supper, and had a wonderful bath... now I am sleeping peacefully.  :o)  Night Night!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 6 - Smiley

Today started out a little wet.  Mommy started to feed me, and felt something warm.  Needless to say, my diaper leaked.  LOL That is what Mommy gets for taking a shower and being awake before I was.  :o)  

Tonight I ate all my supper... I wore just a little bit, but I ate it all.  I didn't share as much with Poncho and Sasha as usual.  :o)  

Check out all my teeth.  :o)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5 - Lemon

Tonight we went to Red Robin for supper, and Mommy gave me a lemon.  Larlie took a big bite first to show me that lemons were yummy.  I wasn't sure how honest he was being so I had to do some tasting of my own... hehehee  :o) 

Just so you know... Mommy didn't just feed me a lemon for supper... I had a grilled cheese and some fries... MMMMMmmmm 

Monday, May 4, 2009

May 4 - 15mo old TODAY!!

I had a lot of fun when Anthony came to visit.  Mommy forgot to take pictures of us together, so she had to wake me up from my nap.  I wasn't real happy and didn't go back to sleep but I wasn't a real bear.  :o)  
Anthony looks like he was enjoying me wiggline and trying to escape.  :o)  I hope he has a safe trip and can't wait for him to come back to visit.  I'll make sure Mommy is on top of things and takes some pictures when I'm not napping.  :)  

Check me out, this is me 1 year ago.  Look how much I have grown.  I am such a big boy.  :)  I'm walking, I am saying Dada, and Mama (twice) and Larlie... (more like Lar).  I like to brush my teeth, and eat... :o)  Like ya'll didn't know about those last few.  :o)  hehehee 

May 3 - Chilling with Daddy

I like to sit with Daddy, although I won't stay up here for very long.  Don't I look adorable though sitting up here chillin?  I was watching TV, drinkin my juice, leanin on Daddy.  :o)  

Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 2 - Brushin

Check me out brushing.  Mommy and Daddy are very happy that I like brushing my teeth.  I am not too happy to let Mommy do it, but I will walk around brushing all day.  

* I still haven't said Mama again... but Mommy is really trying to get me to work on it.  I have found it pretty amusing, and I giggle.  heehee :o)  

May 1 - Mama

Today at 10:36 I said "Mama" for the first time.  Both Mommy and Daddy were funny looking at each other like they were  hearing things.  Mommy kept trying to get me to say it again but I wasn't having any part of it.  

Here she is trying to get me to say it... go ahead... we know you want to laugh.  :o)