Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jan 31 - Four more days...

Our Handsome little Man is going to be a year old already!!  O M G ! ! !   I can't believe it!!

He was crawling towards me... and thankfully the camera focused and let me get him smiling and wide eyed.  

Today we took a trip to the mall.  We had a diaper changing incident where he pee'd all over his clothes.  So, we had to go out and buy him a new outfit.  I thought about grabbing him an extra change of clothes when we were getting ready to leave... but I didn't think he would have TWO major diaper incidents in a week.  BOY was I mistaken.  :o)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jan 30 - Funny Face

LOL... Funny Face I sure Love You!!!

We went to Chick-fil-A for a quick supper tonight... he seemed to like the chicken, although there was quite a bit on the floor when I was cleaning up.  :o)

I'm not sure what this face was for, but I am really happy to have caught it on camera.  My Little Man is adorable... (I'm slightly biased)  

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan 29 - Tickle Tickle

Today was an errand day... We went to base, and we went to the grocery store.  I don't know how people can see a kid dressed all in blue and always think he is a girl.  ???  Even if his hat is on, and they don't see his hair... grrr

Anywho... we had a great play day.  :)  I can't believe how big he is getting.  He is starting to get his giggles out a little more and it is absolutely amazing.  :o)  

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jan 28 - Testing the Throne

I had to post this picture.   I have one of the most handsomest boys in the world!!  It's a good one.  :)  His hair isn't quite all whacked out for once!  He loves to slap his hands down on the ottoman and laugh.  :)  He is getting better when the camera comes out... although I have to be really fast as he wants to "touch" it.  :)  Or run!  LOL  I think he gets that part from me... the "run" not the touching... ahahahah

We got Christian's birthday party schtuffs in the mail today.  As you can see we also got him his very own Prince Throne.  :o)  Maybe he thought it was the Titanic... "I'm on top of the world!"  LOL
It only took him a little bit of time to figure out that he couldn't just throw himself forward to get out... he did realize that he needed to put his hands out first.  

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jan 27 - I no wanna eat

Punkin for some reason wasn't feeling supper tonight.  I'm not sure why he was upset.  He finally calmed down after a little bit and finished his supper.  He really liked eating my mashed taters.  :o)  

Let's hope it was just the short nap he had.  :o)  Here's to better tomorrow's.  

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jan 26 - O M G

Check out my little helper Bee!!  I was loading the dishwasher and he climbed on up.  If you look close you can see a spoon in his little hand... he kept taking it out of the basket and trying to put it in his mouth.  LOL  I can't believe he climbed his little butt on up there.  The first time he did this months ago the outcome wasn't good.

Tonight cooking supper I realized I didn't have everything I needed for anything I thought I wanted to cook.  Anywho... we went to Red Lobster for supper.  Christian hasn't been feeling well... SOOO right as the food get there I realize we need to take a trip to the changing station.  Well, he had a MASSIVE blow-out.  I mean up the back... all over... MASSIVE!!!  I was able to undress him (wearing the overalls and green onesie in the top pic) and get him all cleaned up... but I had to throw away his green onesie... and he got poo on his socks... :(  I felt so bad for him.  Although he was so happy after.  I no longer had an appetite.  LOL  

This last picture is when we got home.  This is how he left the restaurant... thankfully I had a sweatshirt for him.  :)  He has his redneck going on!  :o)  

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jan 25 - Mmm Alfredo

Mike got a really good picture of Christian eating him some fettuccine alfredo and peas.  I know heck of a combination.  :)  

He really liked it... although it was a little slow going at first.  I think he would have kept eating if I would have let him... but I didn't want him to eat too much in case it didn't agree with him.  He had a great blow-out a little while later, so I have been keeping an eye on him.  

I should have taken a picture of the floor when he was finished... LOL  it looked like confetti.  :o)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jan 24 - Roar

Christian finally figured out how to push his lion forward.  He has been pushing it sideways... which is really scary as he always manages to do a header over it.

He walked back and forth across the living room, as long as I would turn him around and point him in the no stuck direction.  :) 

I don't think it will be long and he is going to take off walking.  That scares me a little bit.   :o

Friday, January 23, 2009

Jan 23 - Coloring

Here we are attempting to color.  We went out to supper, and they gave Punkin crayons and a paper.  We were trying to show him how to scribble, but he was more interested in "nibbling".  

I don't think he is feeling much better, but he did go to sleep in his crib tonight.  :)  Bonus!!  Will just have to listen extra carefully to the monitor tonight.  :o)

Jan 22 - A day late

I know I'm a day late, but Punkin had a really bad day yesterday.  This was one of the two VERY small naps he took.  (I think he has some teeth coming in.)  
I'm not sure if it is his teeth, a cold, or a combination of both.  But with him being stuffy and not feeling well we slept on the couch last night.  When I laid him down flat he sounded not good at all... I wanted to keep a good eye on him.


Yesterday was Cousin Charlie's birthday!  We had cake and ice cream, Punkin had a little bit of cake and no ice cream.   Also, Punkin did NOT like the hat at all.  :(  But as you can tell the guys had no problem wearing them at all.  :o)  I even had to remind Mike that he still had his on.  :o) (hours later)  :o)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jan 21 - Handsome Baby

Christian hasn't been feeling well.  :o(  We had a rough night with him only able to sleep with me holding him sitting up, thus I didn't get much sleep.  His little nose is still running and all red, but he did get some good play time in today.  

Here he is checking out that handsome boy in the mirror.  He LOVEs him some mirrors, I think he got that from his Uncle Mickey.  :o)  LOL  

20th post

I so had this done... LOL  I was so tired last night I forgot to hit publish.  :)  Whoops

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jan 20 - Rough Day

Punkin has a fascination with the diaper thingie.  He will pull out the lotion, diapers, creams etc... Now he has learned to open the drawer, and goes after the A&D ointment, which he then chews the lid of.  I know it has to taste like poo!  LOL  But it is his new favorite thing to do.  

We have a walker toy that Christian won't walk behind, but will walk around it.  Today he started pushing his piano across the floor walking behind it.  LOL  I think it is time to get him another walker toy.... :o)  Good thing his birthday is soon... so I have a valid reason to shop!!  :o)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Jan 19 - Swimmin

I have been trying to keep Christian away from the kids water bowl, but he was a little faster than me today.  He had a great time swimmin!!  

He so was pissed off when Mike picked him up and took him away from the water so I could clean up.  It is going to be a fight to keep him away now...

Goodie  :o)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jan 18 - Long day of sitting

We made it home after our weekend trip to NC.  It rained the WHOLE way home.  Christian slept pretty much the whole way, which was really good as he didn't have much of a nap the last few days.  

This is after he ate his supper, he was very ready to get out of the chair.  I think his butt was tired of being sat on.  :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Jan 17 - First Cookie

Grandma gave Christian his first "real" cookie today, after his first candy cane... that didn't last very long... thanks Mommy.  :o)  

He wasn't sure what to do about the cookie at first... but all it took was one taste.  :)  As you can see here, he really enjoyed it.  :)  You can also see Grandpa in the background.  :)  

We have since noticed a rash on Punkin... hope it isn't related to the cookie... We will just have to keep a close eye on him.  

Friday, January 16, 2009

Jan 16 - Friday!!

I think this is the perfect shot... and how I so need to be ending my day... but it is 10:53 and punkin isn't showing any signs of sleep... Could be that we are in a hotel room and he is in a borrowed pack-n-play.... 

I'm off to bring him into bed with me to see if there is sleep in sight...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jan 15 - Learning Dip-it

Punkin had his first biscuits and gravy tonight.  Can you tell how excited he was about it?  You can probably tell that he wore more than he actually ate, but he really enjoyed himself.  :)  

This tells me that he is going to be awesome at finger painting... if I can keep his hands out of his mouth.  :o)  

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jan 14 - Coloring

Today we worked on our coloring skillz.  I know the package says 18+ months, but my boy is a genius!  

As you can see on his face in the picture he wanted to "taste" the new markers.  He also had the crayon ones... as you can see.  :)  These I really have to watch because he wants to eat em... 

I think I enjoy coloring more than him... but shhhh we won't go too into that.  :o)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jan 13 - Little BIG boy!

Before this picture I had laid Punkin down for a nap.  I guess he smelled the pancakes cooking, because he wanted NO part in napping.  LOL This is after a few bites of pancake... gotta make boy happy.  :o)

I know I said only 2 pictures, but I had to do all of these... :)  

I think it is time to take the mobile down.  He has been playing with it a lot lately... this whole standing up thing.  :)  I know we need to lower the crib mattress, but where does the time in the day go.  
He does sit in there and giggle playing with them though.... make that stand in there.. 

Check out my little laundry helper.  :)  As I was folding... he was helping by throwing the socks over his shoulder.  I guess he has the same feeling about folding the whites.... skip the socks... it sucks mating socks.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Jan 12 - First Pancake

Christian had his very first pancake today.  He loved it and ate the whole thing.  :)  At first he didn't really want to touch them, or pick them up.  BUT when I put one on his fork and he tasted it... LOL  he was all about gobbling them up.  :)  

I just can't seem to post A picture... and today there were a few others I wanted to post too.  :)  I'll try and limit myself to just two a day... :o)

Mike was trying to get Christian to sit in front of him on the back of the couch, and he was not having any of it.  It is so funny when he does this board thing.  ;)  He was just very tired and ready to go to bed.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jan 10 - Exhausted (supposta be the 11th, I must have really been tired) LOL

Wow!!  Today has been a long day and a little rough.  :)  Christian decided that he wanted to be awake at 6 o'clock this morning.  I tried to wait to see if he would go back to sleep, but NOPE he was all about being awake.  So, we got up and started our day early.  Which means he took a nap at like 8.  I tried to keep him up till at least 9, but he wasn't having it at all.  That was the only nap he had today, and was a trooper.  :)
Cousin Amanda came to visit for the week.  :)  Mom caught me with my thumb in my mouth.  :(  She was not happy with me at all.  LOL Will have to keep an eye on him to see if we can nix that before it gets to be a norm.  

After we got home ate supper, and took a bath.  Mommy gave me a little chi, and I fell asleep.  Didn't take me long at all.  I was asleep by 7 so that means tomorrow is going to be another early day.  Mommy just couldn't bring herself to keeping me awake for at least another hour.  She will just have to go to bed early too.  LOL

Don't I look like a little Angel?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jan 10 - Saturday Outing

Today, I had a really good day.  :)  We left the house early so mom and dad could test drive a wagon.  We took a nice little drive, and I napped.  :)  
We also went to the mall, where I got 3 new hats. This one is awesome because it is PLAID.  Mommy loves plaid...  i can't complain yet. :) I also got some new shirts that are just cute as ever.  One say's "hunk-a burning love".  It is awesome, and I can't wait to rock it.  
We also made an appointment at The Picture People for my birthday pictures.  :)  Now Mommy has to figure out what I'm going to wear, because it is a big deal for her to have me wearing just the right outfit.  :)  I should so rock this hat in my pictures. :)

I love being outside.  :)  The cold doesn't bother me, and i really like when the wind blows.  This is a new hat too, but Mommy bought it last weekend at babies r us.  

I'm waving to Daddy letting him know I love him thiiiissss muuuucccchhhhh!!  

Friday, January 9, 2009

Jan 9 - Climbing over things

Lately Christian's favorite thing is climbing over anything and everything.  It started when I would lay on the floor, he would crawl over.  Then he would crawl back over.  He is getting a little better at catching himself, instead of falling straight on his face.  

Here is he crawling over his Lion.  I tried to get him when he had his belly over the seat, but I couldn't get the camera to focus until he was already on the floor.  You can pretty much see his path.  :)  

He is also getting a little more daring when he is standing at things.  :)  Today he let go when he was standing at the ottoman.  I can't wait... I wonder if he will be walking before his birthday??

I caught this at just the right time.  Daddy was coming in for a kiss and he decided that he didn't want one.  :)  Daddy told him he was just "raising the roof".  

Our little Punkin is growing so fast... 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jan 8th

We had a good day today!  Punkin was a happy and playful little guy today.  I had to chase him all over the house.  The living room/dining room area, in the kitchen, and down the hall.  He is getting faster and faster everyday.  

While playing in the kitchen, he found the tupperware cabinet and found that hitting a pitcher on tile floor is loud and that he really likes it.  :)  He found a metal pizza sheet that he dropped on the floor and he didn't like that at all. It scared the poopie out of him.  He sure did cry when that happened.  I gave him lots of love & hugs to let him know everything was going to be ok.  

How do you like his fro?  Just to let ya'll know, I didn't scare him and all our outlets are covered so he didn't stick his finger in.  :)  I love his hair in this picture!  Just think I did tame it when I put his clothes on for the day... him putting his jammies on his head and then taking them off made it extra poofy.  

Here he is in the tub.  :)  See his hair is tame.  LOL  Until I take him out.  :)  I have taken stock in leave-in-conditioner.  He gets very excited when he realizes it is bath time.  I taught him early on how to kick his feet and make splashies. This leaves the bathroom and I both soaked when bath is finished.  He has a great time and it helps for bedtime too.  :)  Tonight he went to sleep while nursing... so I got to clip his nails.  YEAH!!

Oh yeah, we got all the Christmas decorations down!!  WHOOO HOOO

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jan 7th - I'm caught up.

First off.. yes our tree is still up, along with the lights around the living room.  LOL!  I have been saying I need to take it down, but first I needed to get pictures of Christian in front of the tree.  Yes, it has been up since the beginning of December, but that slow thing has caught ahold of me again.  :)  Now that I have taken a few pictures, I will start un-dressing it tomorrow.  :)  Wish me luck!!

Today has been a good day for Christian.  We have played, worked our Little Einstein face cards & had a good day!  This evening while making our bed... he was sitting with Daddy, I flipped up the covers and he just Laughed!!  I hadn't heard him laugh that hard, it was so adorable.  I wish I had the camera and could have recorded it.  I just knew if I stopped to run to the other room he wouldn't have done it anyway.  :)  He can be a little stubborn like that, just not sure where he gets it from.  :)  And no matter what Mike says ... it isn't from me... LOL snicker snicker!!

Jan 6 on the 7th

Whooo... yesterday was one of those days where it starts out well, and you think today is going to be a good day.  I even was motivated, doing laundry cleaning house... then Christian woke up from his nap in a challenging mood.  This is how lunch ended and then the day continued to roll down hill. 

Jan 5 on the 7th

Well, since I didn't find out about this till today (7th) I don't have a picture from the 5th, I do have this one from the 4th that makes me laugh.  :)  

Here he is hitting his hands on the couch talking to Daddy.... la la aahhh da da da da... 

Jan 4 on the 7th

I love this hat!  :)  It is starting to come apart at some of the seams.  :(  We tried to find another one to replace it, but had no luck.  

Today Christian turned 11 months!  OMG!!  I can't believe he is growing up so fast.  I kept hearing when I found out I was pregnant, time goes by fast make sure you cherish everyday.  

There are days I wish he was still the little guy he was when he was born, but then I see all the new wonderful things he does everyday.  Even on those days where I want to pull out my hair.  :) 

Jan 3 on the 7th

We went to lunch at Panara Bread and gave Christian his very first pickle.  He didn't make the funny face we expected.  He actually liked it.  :)  LOL 

Jan 2 on the 7th

LOL, this picture just makes me laugh.  He was biting down on his burpie, and then pulling it out of his mouth.  I caught this one on accident.  :)

Daddy looking on with Pride!

Jan 1 on the 7th

Today I was blog stalking, and I found this challenge of posting a picture everyday for 365 days (check out  I'm late... of course... I'm always slow and unorganized... I have come to accept that.  :)  LOL 

All the presents he got for Christmas, and look he chooses the dog's rope.