Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jan 8th

We had a good day today!  Punkin was a happy and playful little guy today.  I had to chase him all over the house.  The living room/dining room area, in the kitchen, and down the hall.  He is getting faster and faster everyday.  

While playing in the kitchen, he found the tupperware cabinet and found that hitting a pitcher on tile floor is loud and that he really likes it.  :)  He found a metal pizza sheet that he dropped on the floor and he didn't like that at all. It scared the poopie out of him.  He sure did cry when that happened.  I gave him lots of love & hugs to let him know everything was going to be ok.  

How do you like his fro?  Just to let ya'll know, I didn't scare him and all our outlets are covered so he didn't stick his finger in.  :)  I love his hair in this picture!  Just think I did tame it when I put his clothes on for the day... him putting his jammies on his head and then taking them off made it extra poofy.  

Here he is in the tub.  :)  See his hair is tame.  LOL  Until I take him out.  :)  I have taken stock in leave-in-conditioner.  He gets very excited when he realizes it is bath time.  I taught him early on how to kick his feet and make splashies. This leaves the bathroom and I both soaked when bath is finished.  He has a great time and it helps for bedtime too.  :)  Tonight he went to sleep while nursing... so I got to clip his nails.  YEAH!!

Oh yeah, we got all the Christmas decorations down!!  WHOOO HOOO


  1. Good job on getting the Christmas decorations down.

    My Daughter has very curly hair and had hair similar to Christian's when she was little. The longer it got, the easier it was to take care of, but it used to take me 2 hours to wash and untangle when she was little. I feel for ya!

  2. I'm not sure how long we are going to let Christian's hair grow... but I know we aren't going to cut it until after his 1st birthday. :)

  3. Wow, I didn't think that hair could get that flat! But flat or curly, he's adorable.

  4. OMG...he has changed so much since I left!! And, it was only a few weeks ago! I am sad!! He is so adorable and sweet and cute and see where I am going with the adjectives, right?? hahaha
